8 -9 am arrive at office, check voicemails and emails, colleague debrief, prep for meetings, training or groups
9 - 11:30 child care center visits - observations of children or provide groups on music & movement/ literacy /or speech development group or parent caregiver meeting, or work directly with caseload child / support worker training and mentoring
or 9 - 11:30 - community consultation at Strong Start or HUB parent child drop in programs- provide infant massage instruction, parent and child music and movement, information about community resources, consultation to families not registered in child care settings, observations of children
or 9 - 11:30 community professional meetings - early years table, therapists meetings, join families at therapy sessions to reduce number of appointments during the day
or 9 - 11:30 home visits
11:30 - 12 return signed docs to office and check emails and return phone calls
or meetings with parents at preschool pick up and drop off, support worker debriefing and planning
1 - 3:30 center visits, community visits, home visits, community training,
3:30 - 4:30 - team meetings